Tryouts for Spring Volleyball will begin Mar. 1 after school. We will start collecting paperwork at the upper gym at 2:30. Practice will begin when all participants have turned in forms. The tryout will conclude at 5 pm.
On Saturday, we will have tryouts but no cuts will be made that day. The tryout period will be 10:00-noon.
Tryouts will continue on Monday, March 4, time 3:00-5:00. It is likely that cuts will be made at this tryout.
It is to your advantage if you can be at all three tryouts so that the coaches can evaluate you. If you must miss a tryout day, please let the coaches know on the first day.
Please be sure to have all forms ready - you cannot tryout without a signed Medical Clearance Form and a parent permission form. The current forms are available on the Wootton Athletics website or click here. If you were on a Fall or Winter sports team, you have already turned in the Medical Form; please bring the parent permission form.
If you have questions about tryouts, please contact John (Boys Coach) at or Mary (Coed Coach) in Rm. 279, or
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