Spring volleyball tryouts for boys and coed teams will start on March 1 at 11:00 a.m. Please enter the building at the lower parking lot entrance. If the boys basketball team is practicing in the main gym, we will begin in the lower gym. Tryouts will continue on March 3, time and place TBA.
In order to try out, you MUST have your paper work with you or have already turned it in to Mary in Rm. 279. If you don't know what papers you need, please check the Wootton Athletics website.
Please note: No student will be allowed to try out without a completed Medical Clearance Form either on file at the school or turned in at tryouts - no exceptions!!
All students participating in Wootton athletics are also required to watch the MCPS Health and Safety Presentation. Please view it at this link: http://www. montgomeryschoolsmd.org/ uploadedFiles/departments/ athletics/health/MCPS_Athlete_ Safety_2013%20Final.pdf
Wear athletic clothing to tryouts and bring a water bottle.